Lower urinary tract symptoms

Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are a common problem affecting approximately 40% of older men.[1] LUTS is a recent term for what used to be known as prostatism.[2]


Symptoms and signs

Symptoms can be categorised into:

Filling or irritative symptoms

Voiding or obstructive symptoms

As the symptoms are common and non-specific, LUTS is not necessarily a reason to suspect prostate cancer.[3] Large studies of patients have also failed to show any correlation between lower urinary tract symptoms and a specific diagnosis.[4]



The International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) can be used to gauge the symptoms, along with physician examination. Other primary and secondary tests are often carried out, such as a PSA (Prostate-specific antigen) test,[7] urinalysis, ultrasound, urinary flow studies, imaging, temporary prostatic stent placement, prostate biopsy and/or cystoscopy.

Placement of a temporary prostatic stent as a differential diagnosis test can help identify whether LUTS symptoms are directly related to obstruction of the prostate or to other factors worth investigation.

Possible causes of the lower urinary tract symptoms


A number of techniques to destroy part or all of the prostate have been developed.

Techniques include:

Other treatments include lifestyle advice and alpha blocker therapy. Although surgical treatment is generally reserved for men who have failed or are unable to tolerate drug treatment, or for those who have developed complications

Use of the term LUTS in diagnosis codes of ICD 9 CM


  1. ^ RoehrbornCG and McConnell JD: Etiology, pathophusiology, epidemiology, and natural history of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Campell's Urology. WB Saunders Co 2002; chapt 38, p1309.
  2. ^ New words for old: lower urinary tract symptoms for "prostatism" - Abrams 308 (6934): 929 - BMJ
  3. ^ Abrams P; New words for old: lower urinary tract symptoms for "prostatism". BMJ. 1994 Apr 9;):929-30.
  4. ^ Clinical Knowledge Summary; Urological cancer - suspected
  5. ^ Boyle P, Robertson C, Mazzetta C, et al.; The prevalence of lower urinary tract symptoms in men and women in four centres. The UrEpik study. BJU Int. 2003 Sep;92(4):409-14. [abstract]
  6. ^ Enlarged prostate gland - treatment, symptoms and cause
  7. ^ The Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test: Q & A - National Cancer Institute
  8. ^ Fitzpatrick JM. Non-surgical treatment of BPH. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1992.